Sunday, April 14, 2024

Trump fanned the flames of Russiagate, then cried foul when progressives took him seriously

It was July 27th, 2016, at a news conference, where Trump asked Russia to intervene in our election to "find the 30,000 emails that are missing". Trump later claimed it was a joke, saying he and the audience laughed. Typical of a Trump lie, it was easily exposed as a lie by examining the cspan footage of the entire press conference. But he has so much contempt for his supporters, he knows they won't check.

As you may recall, conservative media was having a field day criticizing Clinton's use of a private email server instead of government servers, and the fact that many emails were lost in an alleged backup debacle. They benefitted from Clinton's mistake, however. Without that mistake, Guccifer would likely have been unable to hack Sidney Blumenthal's emails, which provided a lot of political treats for Republicans and conservative media over Benghazi.

Anyway, back to Russiagate. He claimed that, as a candidate, he had no connections to Putin or Russia. When the Mueller report was released, it documented many links between close family and campaign connections to Russia and the Russian government.

Now, the conservative media is pretending Russiagate was a fever dream of progressives suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. I might add that self-styled patriots had a similar derangement over Obama.

The Mueller Report speaks most plainly about the collusion between the Trump campaign/family and the Russian government and its proxies. But, in a typical Trump move, he had his lap dog Attorney General, Bill Barr, put out a press release essentially lying about the contents of the report. Again, the contempt Trump has for his followers is galling.

It's true that the Mueller Report was not the smoking gun progressives had hoped for. It was enough for thinking people to realize Trump had played the media and his followers like a master playing a perfectly tuned Stradivarius.

The most troubling aspect of the Trump phenomenon is how easily he lies about easily verifiable things. Remember his claims about his inauguration turnout? Why would anyone believe him when the same lying, vindictive swine says the election was stolen?

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