Friday, March 8, 2019

HB 1265 - Removing Sales Tax from Menstruation Products in Washington State

If discussion of menstruation bothers you, grow the fuck up and keep reading.

If you've read my blog at all, you're probably aware that I'm against identity politics, wokeness, and the intersectionality blatherskite. I've stopped using the label "feminist" because, in my opinion, feminism has morphed into an echo-chamber of misandry, and I think the rape culture meme has become a moral panic.

That being said, I still advocate for gender equality. Equal pay for equal work? Yes! More women in leadership positions? Yes! More women in corporate leadership? Absolutely! A woman's right to choose if and when she has children? 10,000% YES! Women being free to walk the streets without being harassed and groped? Absolutely!

That's why I feel compelled to talk about Washington HB-1265, also known as "AN ACT Relating to providing tax relief to females by exempting feminine hygiene products from retail sales and use tax". I know some people are uncomfortable talking about menstruation. As a gay man, I must admit that the very idea is horrifying to me. But, it's just a part of the human experience. The very idea that tampons, menstruation cups, and other feminine hygiene products are subject to sales tax, while condoms, viagra, and impotence medications are not, is a nasty double-standard and a tax on women. I've already called my local representative and my state senator to ask them to support this bill.

These products are not, in any way, optional for most women. In order for them to live lives of dignity, with good hygiene and health, it's imperative that we remove any and all obstacles to these products, starting with this stupid sales tax.