Monday, October 29, 2018

Megyn Kelly Blacklisted for not being woke

In this world dominated by empty-headed SJWs, it's an unforgivable sin to question if blackface is always wrong, but it's totally fine for black actors to wear whiteface.

Today, on the Skepticrat podcast, they made the questioning ehh sound when analyzing Megyn's claim that whiteface is also wrong.

I personally have nothing against the Wayans Brothers as people. But, if Megyn Kelly's career is ended over questioning a sacred cow of SJWs, their career should be ended over White Chicks. Also, Nick Cannon should be ridiculed and blacklisted for his racist whiteface and racist "white people party music" album.

Free Speech in the Era of Trump

As you're probably aware, I'm pretty much a free speech purist. I draw the line at inciting violence, but anything before that is ok with me.

What I hate is when people use free speech to spread lies. I used to see the birthers, moon landing hoax, and 9/11 conspiracies as the canaries in the coal mine of free speech. They were just nutty enough to be entertaining, but they weren't actually dangerous.

I now realize that conspiracy theory adherents are probably mentally ill, and need help. But how do you tell the difference between a nutty conspiracy theorist, and someone who is genuinely trying to blow the whistle on something nefarious?

I tell the difference based on their being impervious to facts, or if they call me a shill for trying to change their minds. If they move the goal post, switch to a different thread of conspiracy, or claim I'm in on the conspiracy, I suspect they're mentally ill.

The problem is, this is what happens when you say true things about a religious movement. If you point out that Muhammad married a 6 year old when he was in his 50s, you're labelled an islamophobic nut and racist. If you point out that Joseph Smith "translated" the book of mormon with a seer stone in a hat, you're labelled an anti-mormon bigot and apostate.

I'm not sure what the government should do about these hate spewing conspiracy nuts, if anything.

It would be really nice if conservatives would stop stoking fear of the migrant caravan. They need to stop lying about "middle easterners" being among them, trying to paint the lot of them as terrorists.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if nutty racists took it upon themselves to shoot migrants coming across the border. They've been amped up on the lies of repugnicans into thinking everyone in the caravan is a murdering, rapist, terrorist just waiting to kill Americans.

That's how unhinged the conservative movement has become. They've taken to smearing people fleeing violence. They claim to love Jewish people. But if they'd lived in the 19th century, they'd be the racists smearing Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in Russia.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pittsburgh Shooter Uses NT Antisemitism to Justify Hate

The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter had a Gab profile that Quotes John 8:44, which in context, has Jesus saying Jewish people descend from the devil.

This is what exists in the "good book",  and the reason so many people turn away from the barbarity of religion.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sinead O'Connor Takes Up Barbarity - Homophobia Around the Corner

After battling depression and suicide for years, Sinead O'Connor has "converted" to the religion of violence, sexism, racism and homophobia.

Any bets on how long it will take for her to start spewing homophobia? I give it 2 months.

Europe has capitulated to Islam on free speech

Free speech is dead in Europe

It appears the jihadists have won in Europe by destroying a pillar of the Enlightenment: free speech.

I'm sure the court was scared Islamic barbarians would riot if they allowed criticism of their paedophile prophet.

We should have seen this coming. The Saudi barbarians are running the UN Human Rights Commission.

Meanwhile, Sinead O'Connor has converted to the religion of violence, sexism, racism, and homophobia.

Muhammad had a consummated marriage with a child. You can put all the lipstick in the world on that pig, but it won't change the fact that he was a paedophile.

Europe has lost it's way. Perhaps Britain was right to leave.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Lies About WA I-1639

I found this blatherskite on my walk today.

I removed the location data from the image, as I don't want loony leftists to harass these people. I disagree with them, but that doesn't mean they should be mistreated by the regressive left.

Look at the fine print: Top five contributors: National Rifle Association. No others listed. Just the swine at the NRA. The unmitigated gall of these assholes to assert that the campaign was "Paid for by Washingtonians". Such nonsense.

I-1639 does not "criminalize self-defense", as this sign claims. It does say, if you choose to not lock up your guns when they aren't in use, and your gun is used in a crime, you will be charged with a felony. It's a common-sense lock-up requirement.

Sorry, but the safety of children, and the compelling state interest in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals over-rule your right to just keep guns laying around your house. If Nancy Lanza were a responsible gun-owner, and kept her guns locked up, her psychopathic son wouldn't have killed her before taking her guns to Sandy Hook Elementary and killing 20 children.

Suck it up, NRA nuts. I'm a gun-owner, and I wholeheartedly support I-1639. I'm voting YES!

Trump backs away from "terroristizing acts", after running a campaign of terrorism

Lyin' Donny is such a sleaze ball. He ran a campaign which stoked political hatred, and actually order his goons to assault a protester. Now that one of his devotees has instigated deadly violence against Trump's critics, Lyin' Donny suddenly decides he's against political violence.

He actively promoted the birther nonsense, now he acts surprised when one of his devotees mails a bomb to the man about whom Trump spread lies.

I wish someone would "knock the crap" out of Trump. For example: American voters and patriots, at the polls, on November 6th.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Racist Richard Spencer is also a wife beating swine

I'm really not surprised that a racist man is also an abusive husband. Sexism is often part of the racist phenotype.

Wife-beating Racist Richard Spencer

Any man who hits a woman has forfeited his right to live.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Repaired the Front Fender on 2013 Prius

A while back, I scraped a boulder as I was backing out of someone's driveway. It tore and scraped the bumper on the passenger front side. It looked awful.

I finally got around to making the repair. I'm too damned cheap to pay a body shop.

This is how I did it:

1. Cleaned the rip, inside the window well and on the outside. I used mineral spirits from home depot. This meant removing the bplts and plastic tabs holding the plastic cover from the wheel well.

2. Set the rip so it was as flush as possible. Then sealed it on the inside using Gorilla epoxy. I bought a window screen repair kit, and stuck it to the inside before the epoxy dried. I let it dry overnight.

3. Using a wire brush attached to the drill, I roughed up the area, and cleaned out a crevice along the rip.  Cleaned the entire area with mineral spirits.

4. Filled the rip and scratches automotive putty, and let it dry overnight.

5. Removed the big chunks of dried putty using the drill wire brush, leaving only a little putty over the rip and scratches.

6. Sanded down the remaining putty so it was smooth. Cleaned the area with mineral spirits.

7. Sprayed sandable primer, and let it dry overnight after 3 coats. Sanded the dried primer to smooth. Cleaned the entire area with mineral spirits.

8. Sprayed the basecoat to 4 layers, letting it dry 2 hours between coats. Let it dry overnight.

9. Sprayed 3 coats of clear coat, letting it dry for 1 hour between coats.

I still have to wet sand, buff, and wax, it looks really good.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

NRA Opposes Lock Up Law

I'm a gun-owner, and generally hostile to the liberal ban trope. However, I wholeheartedly support regulations intended to reduce gun violence, under the "least restrictive means" test.

I lock up my gun to ensure children and burglars can't get hold of it. Why would any rational person oppose keeping guns from being stolen or used by children? If Adam Lanza's gun-enthustiast mother had locked up her guns, she'd still be alive, as would 20 children and 6 adults.

Republicans were beside themselves when a straw-purchased gun was used to kill a border patrol agent. Do they not see the hypocrisy when comparing it to stolen guns being used in murders?

Having guns locked up is absolutely reasonable. Responsible gun owners already do it. Unfortunately, there are lots of gun owners who don't. The government has a compelling interest in reducing gun violence and protecting children. A lock-up requirement certainly seems to be the least restrictive means to fulfill that interest.

Perhaps a better law would be, if your gun is used in the commission of a crime, you are charged as an accessory to the crime. That would not require guns to be locked up, but smart gun owners would take the prudent step by themselves.

People are getting tired of gun violence. The NRA's intransigence will eventually lead to an Australia-style ban. This is why I oppose the NRA.

Police Behaving Badly

In a Florida town, the police were harassing black people, going as far as fabricating affidavits as evidence and throwing them in jail.

Shitty Police

Is it any wonder why black people don't trust law enforcement? I don't agree with BLM snarling up traffic and rioting as "protest", but I do agree that racists need to be systematically purged from law enforcement, and all positions of power. I'd add that, black racists also need to be purged from power.

I've ranted about the scam at the heart of our "justice system", so I won't bore you with it again. We need to scrap the entire thing, and rebuild it to do away with the conflicts of interest, greed, and prejudice 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Brexit Re-do

I'm certainly in favor of more unity in Europe, though I oppose the EU's overreach in laws like GDPR. As an American, I have no dog in this fight.

That being said, it strikes me as odd that the Remain side wants a mulligan on the Brexit vote. London Mayor Khan says nothing is more democratic than letting the people vote. I'd argue that ignoring the previous vote is undemocratic. The British People already spoke, and the decision was leave.

That's how democracy works. Sometimes you lose. I had to cope when my home state voted to enshrine bigotry against me into the state constitution. Sure, it sucked, but that's the price of living in a democracy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

MeToo Clashes with Black Lives Matter

Loony Feminist falsely accused a little boy of assault.

I feel really bad for the kid. I was recently accused by a loony feminist of "staring at her ass", at Target. The fact that I'm queer as a lemon on a peach tree was my only saving grace.

This is what happens when two moral panic movements collide.

FatPeopleHate was a thing

I just don't understand why anyone would hate someone for being fat. I also don't think it should be legal to post an image or video of someone without their permission.

In an ideal world, it wouldn't be a problem. But in a world where this kind of hate exists, we need laws to protect privacy.

Honestly, I'd like to find these allegedly skinny shitstains and smother them with my moobs.

I'm certainly not saying being fat is healthy, or even a good thing. But at the end of the day, fat people aren't hurting anyone but themselves. We fatties certainly don't need scrawny bitches judging us. I'm losing weight to be healthy, not to please anyone else. In fact, I'd love nothing more than to put a curse on these judgemental dickheads where they wake up one day seeing only fat people, and see themselves as fat.

I really fucking hate people.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fat Strong

Apparently, I'm "fat strong".

This morning, I was leaving Home Depot, when I noticed a middle-aged woman struggling to put big bricks in her trunk. I offered to help, and she said yes. I grabbed a couple bricks and placed them in the truck of her car. She seemed surprised that I was able to lift so many bricks at once, exclaiming: "you're strong, like fat strong".

I resisted the urge to respond by saying, "not everyone can be a weak, malnourished little bitch". Instead, I finished helping and continued to my car.

I don't understand why people think it's ok to judge other people's bodies. I've been trying really hard to lose weight, using the Keto plan. To date, I've lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks.

Oh well. Maybe she was just having a bad day. Or maybe she's autistic or something. I don't think the faux pas even registered for her.

Unfortunately, my reaction was to break ketosis with a small packet of skittles. Not the best choice, but certainly not the worst choice I could make, given my eating disorder. My go-to emotional eating food is ice cream. If I'm upset, I can down an entire carton in one sitting.

Keto is helping. I just need to be more thick-skinned about other people judging me. Their judgemental attitude says more about them than it does about me.

Replaced Garage Door

I spent most of yesterday replacing our old, heavy, ugly garage door with a new, light, nice garage door.

Actually switching out the door was the easy part. The hard part was adapting the frame, tracks, and opener to accommodate the thicker door.

Now, I get to do the other door. Hopefully that will be faster, now that I know what it entails.

Luckily, I'm fairly tenacious. I see obstacles as things to be overcome, not as barriers.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Mansplaining, my opinion

It seems, these days, a man can't open his mouth to alleviate a misunderstanding without being silenced by the label "mansplainer".

I used to consider myself a strong feminist, but I don't any longer. I still advocate for gender equality, but I no longer accept the feminist label.

Social media activists have ruined feminism, turning it into a man-hating circus. Can't they see how their extremism is turning fence sitters away? They've turned big tent feminism into a pup tent. I want nothing to do with with it.

When Roe and Casey are overturned, feminists will have no one to blame but themselves. They drove away allies.

The Meaning of 99 Red Balloons

The 80's hit "99 Luftbaloons" or "99 Red Balloons", has a catchy tune and repetitive lyrics. I first heard the English version on the radio as a child. The lyrics didn't have any meaning for me at the time. I knew nothing of the horrors of nuclear war. I was just a kid. A bad day for me was not being able to ride my bike with my friends.

I don't think I heard the English version again for many years. I recently heard the German version,  and having taken German for 4 years in high school, was able to piece together some of the meaning of the lyrics. I went to Google translate, and got the full gist. It's a story about flying balloons causing a nuclear war, and the aftermath.

I now have much more respect for that song. I had the same response to Guernica, by Picasso. I always thought it was just a nightmare or something. Then, we saw the real thing in Spain. I did more research on the symbolism of Guernica. It depicts, not a nightmare, but an actual historical event. It had a powerful impact on me. I've always been somewhat averse to war, but thought it was sometimes necessary. I now firmly adhere to the non-aggression principle, leaning a bit toward being a pacifist. I still think there are things worth fighting for, like my beloved republic. But I also see, by example of countries like Costa Rica, that you don't need to have a massive army at the ready to ensure your security. I'd argue that having a large military virtually guarantees that diplomacy will be window dressing.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Manspreading is Necessary, But Some Men Go Overboard

Look. I get it. It can be irritating to sit next to a guy who has his legs spread eagle. I don't dispute that some men take it to extremes just to be jerks.

But seriously, ladies, men have testicles, and they get sweaty and sticky. Imagine the worst boob sweat you've ever had, but your boobs are pressed between 2 warm vices. Would you not be eager to release the vices and let your breasts breathe? The fact is, if testicles get too warm, sperm die. That's a verifiable medical fact.

That's exactly what most men are doing when they spread their legs out a bit, especially on a hot or humid day. Some men take it to an extreme just to be jerks. But don't just assume, because a man is spreading his legs, he must be a sexist jerk. Doing so isn't just a micro-aggression, it is actual aggression.

There's an easy way to tell if a man is being a jerk. If you gesture to sit next to him, and he keeps his legs full spread, he's being a jerk. On the other hand, if he pulls them in a bit and invites you to sit, he's being polite. Don't expect him to close his legs completely, but he'll reel them in some for your comfort.

I'm certainly glad women are speaking up about this. I doubt most men even know it's an irritation for women. But I'm concerned that, in their haste to do something, they'll accost men who are genuinely just trying to alleviate their sweaty balls.

Let's all just stop being assholes to each other.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Outrage Brigade is Ruining First Man

Why am I not surprised that the faux patriots are up in arms about "First Man" not including the "flag planting" scene? The flag is still shown on the moon, having been planted. We got there first, and no one can take that away. Instead of celebrating one of our greatest achievements, the outrage brigade is screaming over this nonsense. What a fucking embarrassment. 

Why a Stock Buyback Strategy Hurts Investors

The main problem I have with companies buying back stock is, it obfuscates the effect of stock options. It's basically a massive wealth transfer from investors to executives and employees.

Question: How does a company come up with the stocks they're granting as options?
Answer: By diluting existing shares. Let's imagine ACME Widget Company is a publicly traded company that offers stock options to their employees. The company has 1 million shares of ownership traded on the stock exchange. If you worked for ACME, and they granted you 10 shares of stock, the moment you exercise that option (buy the stock), the number of shares becomes 1,000,010.00, or 1 million and 10 shares. By doing this, the value of each previously existing shares is decreased. That's what it means when economists talk about share dilution. You, as the mail clerk, are only granted 10 share options. The over-paid, empty suits in the executive suite are usually granted hundreds or thousands of share options. Now you see why this is a massive wealth transfer from investors to executives?

The big reason why companies buy-back their own stock is, they've run out of places to put their cash. Instead of issuing dividends, as any moral human being would do, they churn the money into the pockets of their executives, while temporarily goosing up the stock price. I say "temporarily" because, they're burning up cash, which is an asset on the balance sheet. The next time the company issues their earnings statement and balance sheet, their cash position will be less, or at least not as high as it would have been without the buy-back.

I personally prefer to buy stocks in companies that issue regular, stable, cash dividends. That being said, at the moment, I'm completely out of the market. I consider it massively over-priced. When I do get back in, it will be in the form of low-cost index funds, mixed with a fair amount of municipal, county, and state bonds. I like to keep my earnings as tax-free as possible.

Donald Trump doesn't understand economics

Today, our idiot-in-chief is bitching about the Federal Reserve raising rates, and blaming the Fed for the recent drop in the stock market. What an uninformed asshole. This is why the fed is, thankfully, a public-private partnership, not something Lyin' Donny can manipulate. He keeps claiming Democrats want to turn this country into another Venezuela, which is just another lie. Just look at what he's doing. His bitching about the Fed gives the impression he wants more control over it, which would be an absolute disaster.

Guess what, Donny: your trade policies are responsible for the drop, not the fed raising rates.

In Summary: Our president is a fucking moron!

People watching people play video games

Apparently, there are people out there with so much free time, they actually watch videos of other people playing games. I guess this shouldn't be surprising though, since so many people watch golf on television. Talk about boring!

A number of years back, I had a minor operation. I was laying in a hospital bed, waiting to be wheeled in to the OR. There was a delay, and I ended up waiting a few hours. To my absolute horror, my "roommate" was a geriatric man who insisted on watching Fox News and golf. I spent the next 2 hours suppressing the urge to throw something at the television. I iterated between irritation at the lies on Fox News, and complete boredom watching golf. At least that alleviated my anxiety over the upcoming surgery. I was actually relieved when the nurses came to take me away.

If there's a hell, it's sitting in a room with a geriatric man, being forced to watch fox news and golf, while being too polite to seize the remote and change the channel while telling the old bastard to fuck off.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Saudi Censorship on Facebook

As you may have already guessed, I'm not exactly a friend of the Saudi government. I think they're a barbaric government that brutalizes their people and fund terrorism. I also think their specific brand of Islam (Wahabi Islam), is barbaric and inhumane. I said as much on Facebook a few weeks ago. Within minutes, I was locked out of facebook, and given a "24 hour cooling off period".

The post was a link to the following article (archived on
Maldives Police Use Pickaxes To Destroy Artwork Deemed Un-Islamic
The text of my post was this:
Apparently, criticizing Wahabi Islam is now an offense on Facebook. I was locked out of everything. I couldn't message any friends to let them know. I couldn't access any pages I had created. I couldn't engage in any of the my business groups. Nothing. I could basically only see my newsfeed and timeline.

I requested a review on free speech grounds, and it was denied. No message explaining why. The status simply changed to "denied".

As a protest, I downloaded all my Facebook data and closed my account. A friend of mine, who works at Facebook, looked at it and told me it was reported by someone who was not on my friends list. He said he couldn't say who reported it, but he did say the IP address was in Saudi Arabia.

The barbarians struck at the heart of American Liberty by silencing me. I have little doubt they'll report this post as "islamophobic". I don't give a fuck. They can shove their illiberal sensibilities up their asses. Fuck Saudi Arabia!

On a more positive note: I now have more free time to dedicate to my blog and my business. I also find that, without all the drama from the outrage brigade, I'm much happier.

BTW, for those of you who would claim I'm Islamophobic, I disagree entirely. I think there are plenty of Muslims around the world who don't want to throw me off a high building for being gay. Even in Britain, only 18% of Muslims think being gay should be legal. Look at page 596 of the following poll:
ICM/Channel 4 Muslim Opinion Poll
52% of British Muslims think it would be just fine to reinstate sodomy laws and outlaw gay marriage. The study doesn't break it down by country of origin on that question, but I suspect those of Saudi origin are overwhelmingly in the "throw them off a building" camp. The word "Islamophobia" denotes an irrational fear. My fear of Wahabism and the Saudi state is not an irrational fear. They've demonstrated their animosity for LGBT people by beheading us in "chop chop square". They are barbarians, stuck in the 6th century. People like that make me glad I live in America, where at least I have the second amendment, and we know what to do with terrorists.

On the Taylor Swift political snafu

As a general rule, I couldn't care less what a singer or actor has to say about politics. That also applies to Ms. Swift's revelation that she will be supporting Democrats in the coming election.

What I find appalling is the fact that it took a singer posting a "get out the vote" link on social media in order to get some to register to vote. Seriously? Do these idiots not know how to use Google? If someone is that apathetic and lazy, I'm not sure I want them tainting the electorate with their vote. How much can they add to the public discourse if they can't be bothered to google "how to register to vote", without being prodded by a prominent singer.

Don't get me wrong. I'm genuinely hoping that moderate Democrats take over the party and then hand Trump a massive defeat at the polls. What worries me is all these extreme leftists who are as empty in the head as their rhetoric is devoid of credibility.

If I want a political opinion, I'll go to those who make a living thinking. For example: philosophers, writers, authors, science educators, jurists, economists, diplomats, humanitarians, ethicists, skeptics, free-thinkers, and perhaps a few podcasters.

Merch by Amazon Design Review - Really Bad AI

I'm trying to grow my Merch by Amazon business, and I'm struggling with their design review process. I just submitted a design with a cultural reference to "moved cheese", and I included the words "drive by managing", referring to a manager who walks by spewing orders before disappearing back into the hole from which they emerged. Apparently, the idiotic AI they use to accept or reject designs thinks "drive by" is a reference to drive by shootings. They rejected my design, saying it cannot be sold in youth sizes. They gave me the option of resubmitting after removing the youth option. Seriously?

I emailed them asking for an actual human being to review the design. I'll update this post once I hear back.

UPDATE: I never heard back from merch support. So, I edited the description to "walk-by managing", resubmitted, and it was again rejected for youth sizes. Apparently, "drive-by" wasn't the offending language. I don't have time to appeal this, so I just removed the youth sizes from the listing. It was approved within 3 minutes.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Subscribed to NY Times and Washington Post

Despite cash being a bit tight, I decided to subscribe to the NY Times and Washington Post. Why? Mainly because they're offering digital subscriptions for under $10 per month. I've wanted to support them for a while, but I simply could not justify the prices they were asking. I really want newspapers to survive, but it seemed they were being greedy with their pricing.

I'd personally prefer to have a pdf emailed to me daily, instead of being required to log in to their sites every day (I set my system to delete cookies daily).

In the age of Trump, I believe it's vital to have such venerable institutions to expose that man-baby. I'm just glad they came up with more reasonable pricing.

I have not subscribed to my local newspaper (Seattle Times) because they still have greedy pricing. I'm also pissed at them for lending their support to the scheme of giving county taxpayer money to a billionaire, to "maintain" Safeco field. I'm even more pissed that my county councillor aided in the fraud. That's another story though, and I have a FOIA request in working on it.