Thursday, June 11, 2020

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

Just when I was starting to come to accept BLM despite its flaws, they take over part of our city and start doing horrible things like throwing out the press and bullying anyone who questions the autocracy of King Raz Simone. These idiots have erected armed barricades. There are reports that these "protestors" are demanding protection money from local businesses.

Then, our idiot president waded into the controversy by threatening the city with military force.

This whole thing is a cluster fuck. I feel bad for anyone living, working or running a business in that area. I hope homophobia isn't running rampant in this historic gay neighborhood. I can only imagine the barbarity being perpetrated on Capitol Hill. As this leftist crazy train gains steam, I am more horrified as the days pass.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Rioting and Looting is not a Protest

I'm saddened, yet again, to see another black man killed by excessive force of police. I'm not one to cry often, but I sobbed hearing that poor man cry out for his mother as the barbarian cop kneeled on his neck. Another death. Another family robbed of their loved one. Passing a fake bill should not be a death sentence. This isn't China!

I would caution the protestors to avoid rioting and looting. Looting may feel like justice, but it is self defeating and alienates people who would otherwise support your cause. Rioting and looting also reinforce negative stereotypes about black people as irrational, violent, and prone to crime.