Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Rest in Peace George Floyd

I just watched the verdict as it was read. That vile man was found guilty on all counts. I was so happy that I cried as they revoked his bail and put him in handcuffs.

Before that though, I was dismayed that BLM appeared to threaten to shut down the city if they didn't like the verdict. I'm still not sure they won't riot anyway.

Now, when will Floyd's friend be thrown in jail for counterfeiting and passing a counterfeit bill? That son-of-a-bitch started this whole chain of events. The fact that BLM is protecting him is absolutely disgusting. Goes to show you, they aren't interested in justice.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Conversation with a tolerant progressive

I took our good girl to the dog park yesterday, and met a very nice, very tolerant progressive. I was absolutely shocked! She had lived in Portland, and even participated in some early BLM protests there. She admitted that the Capitol Hill riot made her realize that there was literally no difference between what the right wing nutbags did on Capitol Hill, and what antifa was doing in Portland. I was stunned. This kind of clarity of thought is very unusual for someone so young and partisan.

We had a very polite, yet rigorous conversation. We disagreed on many things, but usually found some common ground even when we disagreed.

That's the America I miss. I don't think it's coming back. We're too far gone. I think our only choices at this point are slow decay or revolution. For the sake of humanity, I hope it's the former. If it comes to revolution, there are no strong and enlightened leaders to lead us through it. Say what you will of our founding fathers, they were enlightened for their time. 

Right now, it would be a bloodbath of loony Q-Anon nutbags killing anyone to the left of Steve Bannon. The left has already capitulated because their culture abhors guns, self-defense, and self-reliance. The idea of a nuclear-armed regime of Q-Anon crazy should make the your blood run cold.