Saturday, September 16, 2023

Another Noble Lie? Fentanyl Second-Hand Smoke

During the pandemic, the public was given whiplash from the swift changes in masking guidelines. First, they told us masks do nothing to stop the spread of SARS-COV-2, then they swiftly came out with mask mandates and patterns to make masks at home. The first recommendation was a noble lie, told because they wanted to keep the public from causing an even greater mask shortage, and preserving the existing supply for front line workers. It was a lie that backfired massively when many people refused to wear masks, using the noble lie to mask their political motivations.

Recently, fentanyl has been used on public transit in many cities, especially cities that have refused to punish drug use under the guise of social justice. A report in Seattle said traces of fentanyl were found in the air and on surfaces in busses and trains. Public health experts were quick to claim that the levels were safe.

Why do I think this is a noble lie? Because it affirms 2 sacred cows among the leftists in places like Seattle and Portland: public transit and social justice.

Public transit has been touted as a solution to global warming, and they don't want transit users to go back to driving cars for fear of being exposed to fentanyl on public transit.

Social justice types don't want people to be fearful of helping someone in the throws of a fentanyl overdose, so they say the levels are safe.

I'm not saying they're lying. I'm saying I'd like to see the the studies replicated by truth-seeking scientists, not hand-picked partisans on-board with the social coercion agenda of the far left.

It's sad that public health officials have lost their credibility to the point where people just ignore their bleating. Science has been taken over by postmodernism. Rough times ahead.